Tag: Publix Serves

Gift Membership

March 21, 2023

Gift the Gift of Clean Water

Looking for the perfect gift? Gift a Sound Rivers membership to your loved one! Your gift recipient will:

  • Receive a card letting them know you made a gift of clean water in their name, and a Sound Rivers sticker
  • Begin receiving our quarterly newsletter, Currents
  • Be recognized by name in our Annual Report.

Use the link below to make a special gift membership!

Please note: Fill out the first part of the contact information on the form with YOUR contact information to ensure proper credit card processing, and the enter your gift recipient’s information below in the fields indicated. If you would like to remain anonymous (and not let the gift recipient know you are the giver) please indicate that in the “comments” field.

[imic_button colour=”btn-primary” type=”enabled” link=”https://crm.bloomerang.co/HostedDonation?ApiKey=pub_acc3f62f-8928-11e9-9f3d-0aa640fb8062&WidgetId=10568704″ target=”_blank” extraclass=”” size=””]Give the gift of clean water here![/imic_button]


Want to give a gift membership but would rather make your purchase via mail? Send your check to Sound Rivers, PO Box 15451, New Bern, NC 28561, and include your gift recipient’s name and address.

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NC Pipeline Watch

March 21, 2023


North Carolina Pipeline Watch (NCPW) Mapping System

Alleghany Blue Ridge Alliance (ABRA) and their Pipeline Compliance Surveillance Initiative (CSI) program has built a new mapping system showing the path of the pipeline that allows us to target pipeline crossings at streams and wetland crossings for monitoring locations.


Since the proposal of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), Sound Rivers has been working to oppose this project as it threatens the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems, and will only further entrench extractive energy industries.


One of the many strategies Sound Rivers has pursued in our opposition to the pipeline is the development of North Carolina Pipeline Watch (NCPW), a community training and monitoring program. NCPW was formed by Sound Rivers in coordination with the Sierra Club, Winyah Rivers Foundation, and Cape Fear River Watch.  When construction on the ACP began in North Carolina in 2018, Sound Rivers worked to mobilize and train volunteers through NCPW to monitor construction activities, create infrastructure to collect field reports, and have regional experts bring those issues to the agencies for enforcement. These activities were meant to encourage community members to take action, identify illegal construction practices (e.g., sediment and erosion control violations) detrimental to the health of our waterways, and ultimately stop the construction of the pipeline.


Pipeline construction has been stalled since December 2018 because eight federal and state permits have been vacated by the courts; decisions that the ACP partners are vigorously attacking. Additionally, the fate of the pipeline ultimately hinges on a case heard in the Supreme Court this past February as well as efforts by energy companies’ lobby for federal rule changes in their favor.  To date, 6% of the pipeline has been constructed and we fully anticipate that construction could restart in North Carolina in 2020 with the reissuance of a biological opinion by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The ACP partners have prioritized construction in North Carolina once legal hurdles have been cleared.


Sound Rivers paused trainings for NCPW when construction was put on hold over a year ago. Due to the recent Supreme Court hearing and in anticipation of the reissuance of the biological opinion, Sound Rivers and a number of other community and environmental groups including Winyah Rivers Foundation, Cape Fear Riverwatch, Sierra Club, Blue Ridge Alleghany Alliance, and Appalachian Voices have mobilized to re-start NCPW.


Given the current situation around COVID-19, Sound Rivers and our NCPW partners are working on how to make this program, which is centered around engaging with and training volunteers, possible for when construction does resume. We will continue to provide updates on the status of ACP construction and opportunities to be involved in monitoring efforts.

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Blue Living Tips

March 21, 2023

We understand the impact that a changing climate is having on our daily lives. The problem seems overwhelming. But there are many things we can do individually that together will make a difference. See some of the tips below. If you have a tip to share, please email it to info@soundrivers.org.

  • Reduce, reuse and recycle: Yep, that still works!
  • Use water more efficiently: Less water, less energy to pump to your home.
  • Commit to eating more plants and less meat: Livestock contribute 14.5% of global emissions. You can significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions by eating less meat, choosing local foods when possible and buying food with less packaging.
  • Install a smart thermometer and other ways to reduce energy use at home
  • Plant more trees and/or support groups who do
  • Vote! Check out resources like vote411.org
  • Be active in your community and find ways to support youth led movements

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” the Lorax (Dr. Suess)

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In-Kind Support

March 21, 2023

Support Clean Water With Your Equipment or Silent Auction Gift

Sound Rivers accepts a variety of in-kind donations!

Our current organization-wide needs include:

  • Boats of all types
  • PFDs, paddles, other paddling supplies

Sound Rivers is also collecting items for our Oyster Roast Silent Auction in November 2020!

Some examples of popular donated items include:

  • Visual art (paintings, framed nature photographs, etc.)
  • Services (spa packages, etc.)
  • Vacation Packages (from a one-night stay to a week-long rental!)
  • River Related Activities and Entertainment (river cruises, fishing trips, etc.)
  • And more!

Have something to contribute? Contact us with this form – please describe your item in the comments – and we’ll get back to you asap! Any donated items are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

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Oyster Roast Attendee FAQs

March 21, 2023

We’ve gathered some FAQs from the three decades of Oyster Roasts! If you have a question, check below, we may have an answer! Don’t see your question answered here? Email info@soundrivers.org or call 252-946-7211!

Entry (General Admission Tickets) FAQ’s and Info

  • Doors open at 6pm, not before
  • Check-in is located in the Civic Center, south entrance (signs will be posted)
  • Reservation list with names, no tickets are required. If your name isn’t on the list, check in under the name of the person who purchased your tickets.
  • A wrist band and beer cup will be provided
  • We will be checking IDs so please have yours out and ready

General FAQs

  • There are plenty of oysters- no one will leave hungry- we promise! If you’re having trouble finding space for your group, just enjoy a beer, eat some chili or chowder (located in the dance hall) and return to the tables in a little while. 
  • Oyster knives are made available to everyone; located outside on the oyster tables. You can bring your own if you’d like. 
  • Melted butter and sauce are located near the oyster tables; served by our amazing volunteers. Please know that, due to the cold night, the butter will be provided in smaller amounts to avoid waste. You can certainly return for seconds if needed. 
  • Three breweries are located outside near the oyster tables. All the beer has been donated- we are grateful for our partnership with these great local breweries! 
  • Sodas and water are available inside; large coolers in the dance hall
  • Chili and Chowder are provided inside, in the dance hall.
  • Oyster Tables, except for sponsors, are first-come, first-serve. 
  • This event is a “come as you are” event. Casual, dressed up– whatever you feel like, we just want you to stay warm, have fun, and enjoy the evening. 
  • If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask a staff member or volunteer. We want you to have a great time. 

Silent Auction

  • Silent Auction bidding happens throughout the night – if you have questions about an item, a volunteer or staff member is available to help
  • Bidding closes at 9pm – please give us several moments to organize before coming to claim your item
  • It helps Sound Rivers’ staff immensely if you’re able to take your item home that night!
  • All Silent Auction proceeds benefit your Riverkeepers, so please bid generously, and have fun!

Sponsor FAQs and Info

  • Doors open at 6pm
  • We have a separate check-in table for our sponsors and guests located inside the Civic Center (south entrance)
  • No tickets required
  • For sponsorships with reserved oyster and inside tables, look for the “Reserved” signs printed with your logos.
  • Wine will be provided this year for our sponsors at reserved tables

VIP FAQs and Info

  • Doors open for our VIPs at 5pm
  • Check-in is outdoors at the oyster tables where you will receive your VIP gift bag
  • Access to VIP lounge during the evening, located in a classroom along the civic center hallway. Wine and sweets will be available throughout the evening for our VIPs. (Keep your VIP lanyard on so you can easily enter the lounge.)
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Ask NC DEQ To Protect Waterways From Swine Industry Waste

March 21, 2023

On Tuesday, November 27th, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) held a meeting to discuss the permit intended to protect our communities and waterways from industrial swine waste. The permit determines how the 9.5 billion gallons of waste per year from these facilities is managed, and is opened up for improvements only once every 5 years. Our staff were present to urge DEQ to implement measures to better strengthen existing regulations and protect our waters from pollution, but they need to hear from you as well!

The current method of waste management on these industrial hog facilities is to store hog feces in unlined, open air cesspools that are at risk of being flooded or damaged by heavy rainfall. The waste is sprayed onto fields, often causing waste to runoff into nearby creeks and streams. Unfortunately, this method not only contributes to surface and ground water pollution, but to air pollution and decreases quality of life for the neighbors of these facilities as well.

What we’re asking for:

  • Smithfield Foods, the multinational company that makes hundreds of millions of profits annually, and other corporations that contract with North Carolina operations for swine production, should share responsibility for managing the waste produced by the animals they own.
  • DEQ needs to collect sufficient data to assess hog waste pollution and make it publicly available.
  • DEQ should require mandatory groundwater monitoring where there is evidence of off-site impacts (or could simply say pollution of) to our water table.
  • DEQ should require swine facilities to evaluate the risk of phosphorus pollution from land applied animal waste, using an established formula that was created at great taxpayer expense.
  • Operators must be required to submit records to DEQ for public review of land application of waste, cropping, stocking, and soil or lagoon sampling to better inform DEQ of pollution risks and improve transparency.

Please help protect water quality from industrial hog pollution, send a letter by December 21st to have your input considered during this initial process of drafting the permit. Your voice is important, and now is the time.

Thank you for taking action for the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico!

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March 21, 2023

Sewage Spills in North Carolina

Some text here about stuff.

Map of Sewage Spills by County 2002-2017

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Atlantic Coast Pipeline

March 21, 2023


Sound Rivers and our allies are working to protect our waterways from the impacts of the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), that would carry fracked gas through West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. If permitted and completed, the ACP would impact hundred of waterways, many in the Tar-Pamlico and Neuse Watersheds. While we are working to stop this pipeline, we’re also preparing for the worst and looking at how we can best protect our watersheds during construction if it is built.

Compliance Monitoring – You Can Help!

This year we will be organizing workshops along the proposed pipeline route to train volunteers in how to monitor construction activities for compliance with water quality regulations. We will provide participants with tools to collect valuable information about construction activities, and how to effectively get that information addressed by state and federal agencies tasked with protection of our water resources.

Interested in helping out by getting trained, or helping organize a training? Please fill out this volunteer form and we’ll be in touch as we get details worked out!

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Landscaping for Clean Water

March 21, 2023

Polluted Stormwater Runoff- NC’s #1 Pollution Problem

When rain falls in a natural setting, almost all stormwater infiltrates the soils and groundwater or is DSCN2026taken up by vegetation. But when land is developed, the impervious cover (roads, rooftops, driveways, parking lots) increases the volume of stormwater that is not absorbed by the land and accelerates the transport of stormwater across the surface of the land. As impervious cover increases, so does the volume and velocity of contaminated surface runoff into streams, lakes and sounds.

Polluted stormwater runoff, including sediment from poorly maintained construction sites, is the number one reason for poor water quality in North Carolina. Sediment can cause severe problems for creeks, rivers and estuaries on which we depend for our drinking water, recreation, wildlife habitat and fishing. Stormwater is one of the main causes of pollution in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Rivers.

Stormwater pollution results in a multitude of economic losses. Sediment, toxic pollutants and pathogens in stormwater leads to poor quality fish catch and financial losses for the commercial and recreational fishing industries. Contaminated beaches result in medical expenses to treating water related illness and the beach community suffers from losses in sales and services. Stormwater pollution leads to increased water treatment costs. Increased stormwater runoff creates significant flood damage repair costs and dredging costs. Measures to decrease stormwater impacts can significantly increase property values.

Sound Rivers Stormwater Action
SRI staff planting one of two new created wetlands treating polluted stormwater runoff on ECC’s campus

Landscaping for Water Quality

In order to deal with the increased problems from polluted stormwater runoff, Sound Rivers began a restoration program in 2010 to implement on-the-ground projects to restore water quality.

The photo on the left is a created stormwater wetland constructed in 2015 at Edgecombe Community College in Tarboro via funds from the Environmental Enhancement Grant Program. Since 2015, SRI has constructed three created wetlands, along with a rain garden and bioretention cell. The wetland treats stormwater from the campus main parking areas. Click to view image of educational sign.

Volunteers planting the Mark Brinson Memorial Wetland on ECU’s campus

A similar project has been completed on East Carolina University’s campus in Greenville, NC. Sound Rivers in cooperation with ECU built one created wetland, three bioretention cells (engineered rain gardens) and installed permeable pavement on the campus to improve Green Mill Run, a stream that runs through the heart of the city and the campus.

What Can You Do?

Everyone can do their part to reducing polluted stormwater runoff. Limit your impact by:

  • Applying fertilizers and pesticides sparingly and do not apply before rain events.
  • Test soil first to determine fertilization needs. Tips.
  • Reduce bacteria by picking up after your pets and dispose of the waste properly.
  • Wash your car on your lawn where the chemicals and soap can be absorbed and filtered by the soil instead of washing directly into a stream.
  • Dispose of lawn clippings in a compost pile.
  • Harvest and reuse rain water via rain gardens, rain barrels and cisterns.
  • Preserve and plant trees.
  • Maintain your septic tank! Tips.

Stormwater and Your Rain Garden

More Information

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