
Volunteer Today

Interested in volunteering for Clean Water? Great!
Below are descriptions of some of our volunteer opportunities; fill out the form and let us know what you’re interested in!

Trash Trap Volunteer

Trash Traps are passive litter traps that will float on the surface of the creeks, are attached to the banks, and capture all the floating trash before it ends up making its way down to the Pamlico and Neuse rivers. Once the trash is captured in the trap, it needs to be manually removed and sorted. We are looking for volunteers in Washington and New Bern:

Trash Trap Scouter

We’ve never done this before and don’t know how quickly the trap will fill up with trash. It would be great to have a few folks who can be our eyes on the trout, to swing by once a week and after a rain storm to snap a few photos and see how full the trap is, and if it’s in need of a clean out.

Event Volunteer

Throughout the year Sound Rivers has events all over Eastern NC – from our large fundraiser, the Oyster Roast a, to the educational Kids River Fest, to small screenings and fun get-togethers. Let us know if you want to volunteer for a specific event (mention it in the “comments” section on the form below.)

Clean-Up Crew

Willing to wade into the creek and pull trash out of the trap (we can provide waders and gloves).

Trash Auditors

For those who don’t want to get in the creek, we need help tallying up the trash.

Office/Mailing Volunteer

We have some opportunities in our Washington, NC or New Bern, NC offices for stuffing envelopes, data entry, office organization, and more! For this volunteer opportunity, we are looking for volunteers available on weekdays.

Water Cleanups – Organizer

We do cleanups throughout the year, typically organized by our Riverkeepers, but the more we can do, the better the waters will be! Are you interested in taking a leadership role and helping to organize and run your own cleanup, with support from Sound Rivers’ staff? This is the opportunity for you! (Ages 18+ please.)

Water Quality Monitoring

Our greatest need for volunteers is in the summer months during our Swim Guide program. Swim Guide is weekly samples collected by volunteers from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekend. Throughout the year we need volunteers less frequently, but on weekdays. If you have daytime availability Monday through Thursday, please let us know in the comments of the form below so we can contact you when we need volunteers. Training and materials provided!

Water Trail Steward

Interested in making a significant impact on public access to waterways, by taking on a leadership role at Sound Rivers? Water Trail Stewards will help manage our Tar-Pamlico Water Trail, regularly inspecting the camping platforms for needed repairs, and helping to keep them in good working order.

Don’t see what you’re looking for but still want to volunteer?
Go ahead and fill out the form below and let us know what your thoughts are!

Volunteer Today