Adopt a Trash Trap

Want to do something good for your waterways? Adopt a Trash Trap!
Adopting a trash trap gives groups the chance to sign up for a month of monitoring the amount of trash collected by a trash trap, organizing clean-outs and participate in keeping local waterways clean. Groups aren’t defined in any way: it could be a student group, a civic group or even a group of friends.
Trash trap adopters will be responsible for monitoring the trap, cleaning it out at least once (or more if there’s a big storm), weighing the trash, then disposing of it, taking pictures and sending Emily photos and data. In return, Sound Rivers will promote the group on social media and provide up to five Sound Rivers shirts to the group.
Sound Rivers will supply waders, gloves, trash grabbers, trash bags and a scale for weighing the trash.
View and/or download the Adopt A Trash Trap handbook, checklist and data form by clicking on the links below!