
Walk the water with your Riverkeeper

Education, Environmental, Neuse River Watershed, Sound Rivers, Water Quality

Posted on January 25th, 2024

Neuse Riverkeeper Samantha Krop and water-quality intern Maya Hardison mid-"creek walk."

If you live in the Neuse or Tar-Pamlico watersheds, likely you’ve stood on the banks of a creek, experiencing the flow of water from above. How would it change your perspective to experience that creek from the creek itself?

That’s what the public is invited to do this weekend in Raleigh.

“We’re putting people in waders and bringing them into the creek to basically get a look at what the underbelly of an urban creek looks like,” said Samantha Krop, Sound Rivers’ Neuse Riverkeeper. “It’s a great opportunity to get people more connected with their water resources.”

Sam is teaming up with N.C. State University and the Walnut Creek Wetland Center for a “Creek Walk” of Little Rock Creek this Saturday. It won’t be Sam’s first Creek Walk — she and Sound Rivers’ water-quality intern Maya Hardison have ventured upstream and downstream in the creek, which is why they were inspired to issue the invitation to others. Along the way, Sam and fellow experts will be talking about the issues affecting the creek — from stormwater runoff and how bacteria affects the waterways, to the ongoing problem of litter.

“It’s a great learning experience and fun, and a fantastic way to see the city from another perspective,” Sam said.

Those who are aren’t comfortable walking the creek in waders are welcome to experience the Creek Walk from the trail running alongside Little Rock Creek.

Sign up for the Creek Walk here!

Meetup is at noon on the deck of the Walnut Creek Wetland Center, 950 Peterson Street, Raleigh.

Part of the “underbelly of an urban creek” is the sheer amount of litter that is swept into waterways by stormwater runoff.

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