Sound Rivers’ April Match was a HUGE success again this year — because of your generosity!
“Y’all blew past April Matches out of the water. We were at $35,130 last year, so we had $2,000 more in donations this year,” said Jay Potter, Sound Rivers development coordinator.
A few generous Sound Rivers supporters offered to match any gift made during the month of April, up to $30,000, and 236 members stepped up to raise $37,537, which makes the total impact of this year’s match campaign $67,537.
“I credit our staff and the presence of the board being more visible and attending more events,” Jay said. “All the events we had in April — I think that really had a lot to do with it.”
A heartfelt “Thank you” to everyone who pitched in for this year’s April Match campaign. It means we can do twice as much to keep your rivers fishable, swimmable and drinkable, now and for future generations!