
We need your best swim shots!

Environmental, Sound Rivers

Posted on July 3rd, 2021

It’s summertime and it’s time to head to your favorite swimming hole! We need your help as advocates to protect those waters so you and your community don’t get sick!

Please share a photo of you, your family or your community using your favorite North Carolina swimming spot. We’ll share it with legislators and regulators in August as we push for better funding and policies to ensure that every stream, river or lake is safe!

Since 1986, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has urged states to adopt E. coli bacteria (Escherichia coli) standards to preserve recreational water quality and better protect public health. North Carolina is one of only a handful of states that has failed to do so. It’s past time for the state to adopt the E. coli standard for bacteria in freshwaters.

Before you swim this summer, make sure you sign up for Swim Guide here!

HOW TO SUBMIT – Pick the way easiest for you!

Social Media – Public accounts only please!

    1. Twitter or Instagram: Tag your photo on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #swimsafeNC. Please include a geotag or a location in the post! 
    2. Facebook: Add your photo in the comments on a “Call for Photos” post. Please do not use the hashtag on Facebook – it’s hard to see your private photos on Facebook.

Email – Send your photos, name and location of the picture to Dawn at with the subject “Swim Safe Photos”.

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