Sound Rivers’ Staff Scientist Katy Hunt was in Washington, D.C. last weekend to attend River Rally, the nation’s largest conference for water professionals.
“This was my first River Rally and it was such a great experience and opportunity to connect with fellow river advocates across the country,” Katy said.
Hosted annual by River Network, River Rally 2022 featured speakers celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act and other clean water victories, centering equity across all topics while illuminating today’s most urgent challenge: climate change.
Attendees included nonprofit groups, as well as agency and foundation representatives, industry innovators, philanthropists, academics, students and community leaders. Offering more than 70 learning opportunities such as field trips, peer exchanges and workshops, the goal is to provide opportunities to work together to accelerate progress toward an equitable and sustainable water future.
“I learned a lot about what others were doing to protect their watersheds and communities and shared ideas on everything from stormwater to sewer systems,” Katy said.