
River roving: the perks of an internship

Environmental, Neuse River Watershed, Sound Rivers

Posted on June 20th, 2024

Sound Rivers water-quality intern Katrina Borgen got some quality time on the water last week, courtesy of one of the perks of a Sound Rivers internship.

After Swim Guide results were returned and shared and her duties for the day were done, Kat headed out to Brice’s Creek, a tributary of the Trent River, which is itself a Neuse River tributary. She left from Creekside Park and set out to experience an eastern North Carolina waterway, paddling upstream.

“Everything was relatively calm,” Kat said. “I saw a lot of cypress trees along the waterway. And while I didn’t see much wildlife, there were many bugs — spiders, dragonflies and other small insects.”

Though she brought along a trash bag and grabber just in case, she did not spy any trash along the way, and she said she was interested to see how people use Brice’s Creek.

“There was a jet-ski and a pontoon boat on the water; when I launched, people were sitting on the dock just to chat, and when I came back there were kids fishing,” she said. “It is a gorgeous creek, and it seems frequented by people for all kinds of recreation. So it’s very important to keep it clean and healthy.”

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