By Jill Howell, Pamlico-Tar Riverkeeper
We received initial reports, from folks out on the water over the weekend, of dead fish near Goose Creek State Park and Blount’s Creek. We notified the state, who responded yesterday afternoon. According to their investigation report, approximately 144,183 menhaden died. Aphanomyces invadans, a water mold, is suspected as the cause of the fish kill.
Fish kills like this are becoming more and more frequent, especially during this time of the year. Despite the regularity of fish kills in the Pamlico River, this is by no means normal – fish should not be dying by the hundreds of thousands in a matter of days. What we’re seeing here is a symptom of a much broader problem; declining water quality in the Pamlico and a stressed river ecosystem.
Sound Rivers continues to advocate for common sense, science-based protections for your waterways. The only way to reduce and prevent fish kills like these is to stop pollution from entering your rivers.