
"Is It Safe to Swim?" 2021 report

Environmental, Sound Rivers

Posted on March 18th, 2022

Your Riverkeepers work hard to make sure it is safe to swim in our state’s waters. Every summer, we work with Riverkeepers across the state to evaluate E. coli levels in waterways to help inform communities in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico watersheds about the safety of recreational contact with waters.

Bacteria are everywhere in the environment, including in our rivers, lakes and streams. Sources of bacteria pollution can include municipal wastewater treatment plants, sewage spills, industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, leaky sewer lines or septic systems and stormwater runoff. Some bacteria can be harmful to human health, which is why we want to make sure you know where it’s safe to swim.

The “Is It Safe to Swim?” report, prepared by Waterkeeper Alliance and Waterkeepers Carolina, compiles the results of Riverkeepers’ water monitoring efforts and includes an analysis of samples collected in each watershed, including our own. Have a look at the 2021 report here!

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