Intern spotlight: Will presents "Cool Animals On Our Rivers and How We Protect Them!"
Posted on July 29th, 2021Water-quality intern Will Shingleton wowed his audience Wednesday with “Cool Animals On Our Rivers and How We Protect Them!,” a presentation about animals that live in or near the waterways, with a focus on endangered species found only in the Tar River basin.
Farmville Library’s Elementary Adventures is an interactive program featuring games and hands-on activities to engage rising first- through fifth-graders. The children learned about the Carolina Mad Tom and the Tar River spinymussel — both endangered species — and other aquatic species, and about ways they can protect their waterways for animals and humans. A presentation on fecal bacteria in the waterways (or poo!) and Will’s role in Swim Guide and testing water for its presence, concluded with watching results glow in the dark under a blacklight. If it glows, that means a sample contains bacteria and the waterway where that sample came from might not be a good place to swim.
Thank you to Farmville Library for invited us to see your wonderful new building and teach our next generations about the importance of water quality!
If you’d like Sound Rivers to speak at your event, email We’ll be happy to put you on our schedule!