
OYSTER ROAST: Everything you need to know!

Events, Sound Rivers

Posted on September 7th, 2022

It’s going to be quite the event! Saturday, Nov. 11. Get your tickets early, because they WILL sell out! BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE!

Would you like to be a 2023 Oyster Roast sponsor? Here’s how!


Early Bird (ends Oct. 11): $70 per ticket for members, $90 for non-members, and $130 for VIP

Regular Ticket Prices: $75 for members, $95 for non-members, and $130 for VIP

(Member price is for current Sound Rivers members and donors only. If you are not currently a member or are unsure of the date of your last gift, please email and we will assist you. If you mistakenly purchase a member-priced ticket, we will be in touch to assist you. Not a member? Join here!)


Treat yourself to some special treatment on Oyster Roast night! Arrive at 5 p.m. (instead of 6 p.m.), pick up your Sound Rivers’ swag, then be shown to your designated table that comes with a wine tasting from our partner, Mary Mehlich, from Wine & Words & Gourmet, and your own dedicated oyster shucker!


On the grounds of the Washington Civic Center, 108 Gladden St., Washington.


5 p.m. VIP section opens

6 p.m. Oyster Roast opens for all other ticket-holders

7 p.m. Live music starts

8:30 p.m. Auction closes


VIP ticket-holders

Check in is at at 5 p.m. at the VIP tables set up outside.

All other ticket-holders

Check in starts at 6 p.m. and is being held in a different place this year — in the Civic Center meeting room! There will be a clearly marked entrance to the meeting room on the parking-lot side of the Civic Center; the line will extend from this entrance, down the walkway toward West Second Street. Entry will NOT be in the gallery of the Civic Center — that’s where we’ll have auction items on display! Ticket-holders will check in and receive their wrist bands in the meeting room, then grab their complimentary cup at a table just outside the meeting room door, in the gallery. Check in, take a stroll through the auction, then head outside to eat oysters under the stars!

Chili and Chowder

Ground beef chili, vegetarian chili and seafood chowder, along with rice and condiments, will be available inside the Civic Center at the back of the ballroom.

Butter and Cocktail Sauce

Melted butter and cocktail sauce for oyster-dipping will be available outside, right next to the tables.


Sodas and water will be located at a TBD location. But we will have them!

Beer will be located on the grounds, just outside the gallery entrance to the Civic Center (between the parking lot and the oyster tables). Beer is being donated by local crafter brewers!

Live Music

The Chuck Phillips Band plays your favorite classics starting at 7 p.m. in the Civic Center. A Washington favorite, Chuck and his band are guaranteed to get you out on the dance floor!

Online Auction

This year’s auction is VIRTUAL (as we have held it for the past two years!). On Oyster Roast night, we will have auction items on display in the gallery of the Civic Center.  Bidding opens on Oct. 28 and will continue until  8:30 p.m. on the night of the Oyster Roast, Nov. 11. Check back for the link to the auction site.

If you think you might bid on silent auction items, but first want to see them in person at the Oyster Roast, we recommend registering to bid before the day of the event.

At the Oyster Roast, each auction item will have a QR code that will link to that item on the auction website. All you have to do is open the camera on your smartphone, allow the camera to focus on the QR code, then touch the link that appears on the screen — that will take you right to the item on the auction website. OR you can download the Auctria mobile app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

For the more tech-savvy, the auction site has a cool feature: you can bid, get notifications on whether you’ve been outbid, and more, through texts. Learn how HERE.


No worries — we have you covered! If you do not have a smartphone, we will have staff and volunteers on hand who can walk you through the process of bidding via smartphone and QR code. Please register to bid before the Oyster Roast and, on the night of the event, make sure you have the password you created when registering OR have the access code you received via email from the auction site when you registered.

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