
Volunteer Spotlight: Ed Rhine

Environmental, Volunteers

Posted on February 16th, 2017

By Heather Deck, Pamlico-Tar Riverkeeper

When you hear the term “labor of love” many images may come to mind. For me, this saying is defined best in Ed Rhine Volunteerthe past year by Sound Rivers member, Blounts Creek activist, and volunteer Ed Rhine.

Within the Blounts Creek Community, I have found water activists with the type of staying power you can only dream of, and Ed has been one of those leaders.

Ed has been a central player in the Save Blounts Creek community and campaign to prevent irreparable damage to Blounts Creek that would be caused if a wastewater discharge into the creek is allowed from a planned Martin Marietta Mine. Last year, Ed used his decades of woodworking skills and years of experience to build a beautiful wood strip canoe that raised $10,000 to help the cause.

A teacher and school adminstrator for 49 years, Ed has used his extensive experience and background to advocate for the special waterway he was drawn to. From community meetings to speaking out at public hearings and letters to the editor, Ed has made educating and engaging the community about the threats to Blounts Creek a priority.

Sound Rivers staff and board are pleased to recognize Ed, and the entire Blounts Creek Community, in their efforts to advocate for clean water. To honor them, be sure to check out page 10 for our Blounts Creek legal updates and visit our webpage to take action and support Blounts Creek!

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